Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Essay 3

So I am once again going to reference my paper to American Horror Story. haha I really like that this third essay can be more freely written and that we can use TV shows for a reference. I am going to do my paper revolving around the poem of "Hard Rock". My group was assigned to read that poem in class so it was easy for me to look back and find different themes in it since we had to dissect it anyways. 
On another note, VCU is having a production of Hairspray this weekend and next weekend I believe. So I think that will count as another out-of-class event. I'm going to try and go to one of the showings since I love that musical and it will count towards this class. 

1 comment:

  1. That is good you have are sure about your topic on this essay. I am still having a hard time. I was trying to do it on depression and the yellow wallpaper but it is kind of confusing. I will find something though. I also like that I can pretty much write about what ever I want, specifically what is important/interesting to me.
